Introducing the First We Eat Team!

First We Eat project First We Eat would like to introduce you to the amazing folks who are part of the online launch team: Michele Genest: northern food enthusiast, amazing chef, writer and author of The Boreal Feast and Boreal Gourmet will be experimenting with new ways to create wonderful ingredients and delicious recipes from local foods.  Suzanne (and her family!) are most grateful for Miche’s expertise.

Cathie Archbould: photographer extraordinaire has a wonderful ability to capture the relationship between people and their environment in her photos.  Cathie’s photos of food manage to tell a story while simultaneously making your mouth water.

Andrew Sharp:  Animator.  Andrew’s playful style of animation has the ability to express, without words, many of the reasons behind Northerners’ desire to increase local food security.

Chris Healey:  Website designer.  Chris was the original consulting webmaster behind First We Eat online (a digital world unfamiliar to Suzanne!) in order to make it easier to share our ideas, experiences and knowledge east-west across the North of Canada. First We Eat would also like to acknowledge the willingness of ethnobotanist

Leigh Joseph
, boreal herbalist

Bev Gray, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and the many farmers, gardeners, hunters, trappers, fishers and innovators who have shared their knowledge and expertise to help get Suzanne started on this project.  Have a look at the Thank You Page to see who these folks have been to date. First We Eat is a collaborative project.  We hope the website will continue to grow to reflect the realities of local food availability in different communities across the north as we connect with our northern neighbours and local knowledge and experiences are shared. Thank you.  Mähsi Cho.

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