The Town of Inuvik is located 200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the beautiful and vast Mackenzie Delta, and is the administrative centre for the Inuvik Region which includes Olotuk, Polotuk, Sach’s Harbour and Tuktoyaktuk. The population is predominatly Inuvialuit and First Nations.
Inuvik is at the end of the Dempster Highway which runs north from Dawson City, Yukon. This page will continue to grow as Suzanne gathers more knowledge about eating locally in and around Inuvik.
LOCAL PRODUCERSKnow of a local producer in your community that is not listed below, let us know.Produce: Inuvik Community Greenhouse Eggs (year round), Chicken, Rabbit, Produce, Berries: Les Kutny |
LOCAL INGREDIENTSSee something to be added or corrected in this list? Want to help First We Eat create a local ingredient list for your Northern Community? Please contact us here or email Includes some ingredients from North of Inuvik from: