Back on the river, Gerard’s writing from Oct 3rd:
This morning was full of no such thing as the expected action. Instead, I was awaken by dueling grey horned owls, each trying to out-perform the other… hoot-a-hoo, hoo-oo…
And peculiarly, in the night, I was perturbed by either a carnivorous or fun-loving mouse, who repeatedly attacked my tent. He would scramble up the side of the tent, only to slide down. He did this repeatedly. I consoled myself with thoughts that it must be a joyful mouse, excited by the frosty canvas that was offering a moon-lit opportunity for pre-snow sliding.
Now, I’m sitting down to another breakfast of eggs and burger, washed down with mugs of boiled, delicious, silty water. The owls and mouse have settled down for the day, just as mine is gearing up, demonstrating that this earth provides space for a living opportunity unique to all.