A bull moose in the wild. The Yukon has over 70,000 moose — twice the number of humans. Photo by Cathie Archbould.
Here in the Yukon, and throughout much of the North, it’s moose hunting season.
Moose is a staple for many Yukoners. One moose can feed two families for a year. Plus, since the animal haslived a good life feeding in the wild, moose meat is a lean and healthy source of protein.
Many Northerners rely on a freezer full of wild meat, such as moose, fish, seal and caribou to feed their families rather than relying on grocery store meat that travels a great distance to reach us.
In the Yukon, there are approximately 70,000 moose — that’s twice the human population of the territory. Hunts are carefully managed, with limits set on each region. Unless a limited number of special tags are issued by the government for hunting cows, only the bulls are harvested in the Yukon.
As Northerners we are acutely aware of where our wild meat comes from and we value the land and the animals that provide it. Mähsi Cho Jejik. (Thank you moose in the Hän language).
The bounty from a successful moose hunt. One moose can feed two families for a year. Photo by Cathie Archbould.