It is a wonderful thing that our farmers have the ability to overwinter and breed livestock in the North!
Piglets on Aurora Mountain Farm, Whitehorse – Photo submitted by Simone Rudge
Piglets, Calves, Kids and Chicks are a Spring ritual at Aurora Mountain Farm in Whitehorse. Aurora Mountain produces certified organic chicken, eggs, hay and vegetables (including garlic, yum!) available seasonally from their farm. They also offer delectable wild crafted preserves, jams & mustard, and even handmade goat milk soap!
Their free-range heritage pigs enjoy peaches, tomatoes and other fruits and veggies as well as grass, hay, and a grain mixture made up of locally grown barley, oats or wheat. You can find their pork products at Riverside Grocery and the Potluck Community Co-op in Whitehorse, as well.
If you are able to overwinter and breed livestock in your northern community, please share your photos with us via emailCalf on Aurora Mountain Farm, Whitehorse – Photo submitted by Simone RudgeBaby Goat on Aurora Mountain Farm, Whitehorse – Photo submitted by Simone RudgeSpring Chicks on Aurora Mountain Farm, Whitehorse – Photo submitted by Simone Rudge