Submitted by Kathy and Michael Gates.
This recipe comes from “Yukon Cookbook” by Leona Kananen first published first in 1971 and reprinted in 1975 and 1978.
Best Made in August.
- First dry the meat.
- Cut meat into strips and hang over pole over a slow fire of dry willow; keep turning meat until well dried and smoked.
- Cook meat in boiling water for 10 minutes. Pound well with hammer or axe, and mix with marrow or grease.
- Add chopped onions or berries, if you like.
- Put pemmican into packages, into a pan or into a moose stomach.
- Freeze; cut into slices.
A recipe for Pemmican from the Northern Cookbook of 1975
- Pound dried moose or deer meat on a piece of clean canvas or stone, to fine crumbs.
- Pour hot melted moose fat over in pan.
- Let freeze. Serve cold.
Moose Pemmican
Sylvia Frisch shared some of her delicious moose pemmican with Suzanne. It’s made by Jimmy Johnny of Mayo.
Ingredients: moose meat, moose fat, and kinnikinnick berries.